Thursday, June 26, 2008

Scrap Your Day Project, #3

Scrap Your Day is a project from Shimelle Laine
She encourages us to photodocument our day on the 25th of every month, so that by the end of a year, you have a sense of a year in your life. It always takes me a while to grasp the big picture, but it is coming into focus: I hope to tell the story of what I see and how I lived and what things were important to me over the course of a year. I have chosen some details that are documentary, but that also may evoke a sense of growth and change when I look back a year from now. For today, I wanted to show things like what shoes I wore, places I went, things we did, flowers in bloom, food we prepared or shared, people I interacted with, things I noticed around me. Now, all that being said, I was not as deliberate as I meant to be, as it turned out to be a busier day than I thought. Last day of school and all. Oh well, reminds me of a line from a John Mayer song:

"Didn't have a camera by my side this time
Hoping I would see the world with both my eyes"
and this line too:
"Today I finally overcame
tryin' to fit the world inside a picture frame"
-Lyrics from 3 x 5 by John Mayer

Still trying to fit the world inside a picture frame though - just some days it doesn't work out the way I want. Here's my attempt for June 25.

mornings always start with being awakened by Mr Hugs
wonder what he's thinking?

a serious fact of my life: LEGO
I am nearly always stepping over some big set-up

adorable new shoes!

okay I like them so much I had to do another photo...

evidence of the time we seem to spend in the car... AND
just had the car in last week, but the engine light came on today for some reason

elijah and his grade 2 teacher

lunch at Trollers on the docks downtown the best fish and chips ever
(actually Jonah's lunch, not mine!)

this project could be called A Year In My Garden
this month, the lilies are starting to bloom

a walk on the waterfront where Charlie stopped to bark at Frank

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